Advanced Sports Pharmacy Store


Asprolabs™ is a scientific and research pharmaceutical company official site specializing in the development and manufacture of products, intended to improve the quality of life.


Our products

Our Company

Fast Growing Pharma

Our portfolio covers multiple dosage forms, including tablets, injectables, and other forms of medicines. A staff of highly professional specialists, extensive experience in the pharmaceutical industry, our own laboratory and modern equipment allow us to produce specialty, complex or difficult to make technology-intensive products. We realize and embrace the importance of investing in research, we invest up to 9-12% of our global revenues into Research and Development (R&D) every year. Over the past few years, our company has demonstrated significant growth in production and sales, supplying the market with high-quality, and, at the same time, affordable, widely demanded products.

Our Products

Committed to Quality

Genetic engineering forms shop

Genetic engineering – is the process of using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology to alter the genetic makeup of an organism.

Quality Control Centre

The Quality Control Centre (QCC) is a multifunctional laboratory offering testing services in the field of Food, Materials, Papers & Textiles, Microbiology, and Water testing.

Research and development Centre

Research and development (R&D) are activities that center around the innovation of new products or services in a company.

Pharmaceutical warehouse

Distribution center employees using an advanced warehouse management system that tracks inventory levels, optimizes workflow of storage of medicines and healthcare products.


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